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Terry McMillen the Best look of the season and Interview Mile High Nationals 2010 Bandimere Raceway
Hot Rod Fuller Dave Grubnic Terry McMillen Interview TFD Rd 2 Mile High Nationals 2010 Bandimere Raceway
John Force Paul Lee FC RD1 Mile High Nationals 2010 Bandimere Raceway.mpg
Terry McMillen top fuel win
Terry McMillen Brandon BernsteinTFD Rnd1 Eliminations Summit Southern Nationals Atlanta 2011.mpg
John Force Paul Lee Eliminations Funny CarThunder Valley Nationals Bristol Tn. 2010.mpg
Shawn Langdon Terry McMillen TFD Qualifying Rnd2 Toyo Tires Nationals Maple Grove Reading Pa 2010
Hot Rod Fuller Shawn Langdon TFD Qualifying Mile High Nationals 2010 Bandimere Raceway.mpg
Terry McMillen NHRA-CSN
Dave Rieff and Bob Vandergriff get there Nitro Fixes Memphis 2009
Chip Ellis Craig Treble PSM Rd1 Indy Mac Tools US Nationals 2010.mpg
Terry McMillen Shawn Langdon TFD Qualifying Summit Racing EQ Nationals Norwalk 2011.mpg